Tips To Keep In Mind While Planning Rugby Tours To Japan
Hold your breath..!! The Rugby World Cup is finally making its debut in Asia in the beautiful country of Japan. People all over the world are going gaga over this championship, and are all set to watch their favourite teams compete with each other from 20 th September to 2 nd November 2019. So, if you too are a rugby fan, do book your rugby world cup tickets today, and indulge in the thrill of rugby and explore the intriguing Japan. But, before you do so, here are some of the major tips that you must keep in while planning rugby tours to Japan. Have a look - Learn About The Culture If you have been to Japan before, it might not be a problem for you to understand the culture of the Japanese people. But, if you are new to Japan, you certainly need to be aware of their culture. For example, always keep your phone on silent while travelling in trains or on subways. It is also advised to take off your shoes at the door, while entering a Japanese home or r...